Talton's amendment to suffer a timely death

The Fort Worth Star-Telegram today reports that the author and sponsor strongly object to an amendment Robert Talton (R-Pasadena), which would ban homosexual and bisexual couples from being foster parents:
"I will strenuously object to that amendment going onto the bill," said state Sen. Jane Nelson, R-Lewisville.
Nelson said she is concerned that the ban on gay foster parents, pushed by state Rep. Robert Talton, R-Pasadena, would probably become a magnet for lawsuits and that it might cause upheaval for the thousands of children in homes where the foster parents might be gay or bisexual.
The House sponsor of Senate Bill 6, state Rep. Suzanna Gratia Hupp, R-Lampasas, said she would not support uprooting children already in a foster home.
Pink Dome posted on Wednesday links to a slew of bloggers covering the issue (hey, I'm at the bottom of the comments section!!)
I don't know who all saw CNN yesterday, but they covered the issue as well. They interviewed Talton and set up a debate between Cathie Adams of the Texas Eagle Forum and Heath Riddles (who the kept calling Randall Ellis, the Executive Director) of The Lesbian/Gay Rights Lobby of Texas (LGRL). The debate was a bit ridiculous, but Cathie Adams stated that a child with gay foster parents are 11 times more susceptible to being sexually abused.
The website for the Texas Eagle Forum lists her e-mail address: cathieadams@texaseagle.org.